Success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics

Success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics


"Success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics." - Tony Robbins


The expression "Success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics" conveys a deep appreciation of the complexity of success. According to this perspective, success is mostly determined by mentality, beliefs, and psychological variables; procedural, practical considerations have a smaller impact. Analysing this argument provides insights into the psychological and emotional aspects of success and how they work in concert with the actual actions performed.


Fundamentally, the psychological component of success highlights the significance of belief systems, mindsets, and attitudes. Success is greatly influenced by how people view themselves, their objectives, and their own abilities. Most of the success equation is made up of positive and empowering psychological traits like growth mindset, resilience, and determination. Significant achievements are possible when people develop a mindset that sees obstacles as chances for personal development, failures as teaching moments, and success as attainable with hard work and knowledge.


The 80% attributable to psychology highlights how powerful self-belief, visualisation, and emotional intelligence can be transformational tools. By imagining success, for instance, visualisation enables people to synchronise their feelings and ideas with their intended results. Effective emotional and interpersonal management is made possible by emotional intelligence, and these skills are essential for negotiating the challenges of both personal and professional success.

The remaining twenty percent, which is devoted to mechanics, includes the real-world and pragmatic elements of achieving objectives. These consist of particular tactics, abilities, know-how, and plan execution itself. Even though the mechanics are unquestionably crucial, the statement suggests that the psychological basis comes first. Essentially, the correct mindset and emotional fortitude can motivate people to seek out pertinent information, develop the requisite skills, and put those skills into practice.


The claim casts doubt on the widely held belief that talent, luck, or outside forces alone are the only causes of success. It acknowledges that the external reality of accomplishments is ultimately greatly shaped by the internal terrain of ideas, convictions, and feelings. Regardless of their technical abilities, people with fixed mindsets, self-doubt, or limiting beliefs may find it difficult to reach their full potential.

On the other hand, people who have a positive psychology are more likely to persevere through hardship, adjust to new circumstances, and overcome barriers.


The idea is consistent with a number of motivational theories, such as the expectancy theory and the self-determination theory, which emphasise the role that intrinsic motivation, self-belief, and an optimistic outlook play in propelling success. It also aligns with positive psychology's tenets, which highlight pursuing meaningful goals, resiliency, and strengths as essential elements of a flourishing life.


Opponents might counter that a successful outcome necessitates a harmony between mental and practical abilities. Although this is accurate, the statement highlights that the psychological basis is what motivates the acquisition and use of mechanics rather than downplaying their significance. It challenges people to acknowledge the critical role that mindset plays in defining how they approach gaining and applying knowledge and skills.



In a nutshell the expression "Success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics" highlights the complex relationship that exists between the outside elements of practical skills and the internal elements of mindset in the pursuit of success. It emphasises how positive psychology can change people by inspiring them to learn, use, and modify their skills. This viewpoint encourages people to develop a growth-oriented and resilient mindset because it acknowledges that a strong psychological foundation is essential for long-term success.

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